Monday, May 27, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hudon Music 2019 ebook Sampler [drummers] > Free DL!

  Hey..hello! My fellow fellows [& fellettes😍] found some awsome material while sitting on the bowl 🚽just now!! And thought 'shit.. this would be a great 1st blog post ever and a valuable resource for those not aware'.. so read below.. visit/DL the link @ the bottom of this post -  but dont stop there.. also check out the deepest music education resourses on the planet and view everything they have to offer!

     Hudson Music publishing co. Is the hub for all your educational needs musically.. They produce the finest products and materials and above of all the top educators and musicians in the game -past and present.. here's a free DL-able ebook they just released featuring 6 books/videos/play a-long tracks for my drummer boys out there .. i buy all my books from these guys and so should you as you wont find these precious materials anywhere else or the army of world class musicians they continue to feature year in and year out! Thanks HudsonMusic, Tommy Igoe and others <i couldn't tag> .. you guys are some of the most generous people on earth and one of a kind individuals & your dedication and hard work does not go unnoticed - but most importantly continues to inspire me every single day.  And i cant thank all those involved enough 🙌

Stay Cool..

     ✌  - cHopz420